COST Action IS0906 
Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies [project completed]

Action Steering Group

Helena Bilandzic (Germany, Action Vice Chair), Nico Carpentier (Belgium, WG Chair), Geoffroy Patriarche (Belgium, Action Chair), Cristina Ponte (Portugal, WG Chair), Kim C. Schrøder (Denmark, WG Chair), Frauke Zeller (Germany, WG Chair)

PReCoM promoter

Geoffroy Patriarche

PReCoM researchers

Geoffroy Patriarche, Marie Dufrasne

PReCoM collaborator

Emilie Vossen (Grant Holder Officer)


Project website:

Project status on the COST website (including Final Evaluation Report):


March 2010 – February 2014


Audiences, publics, users, new media, information and communication technologies (ICTs), Web 2.0, mobile technologies, public service broadcasting, genre, trust, literacy, participation, interactivity, social relationships, mediated relationships, social networks, social integration


This project was funded by COST. COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research at the European level.



The COST Action “Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies” (2010-2014) is coordinating research efforts into the key transformations of European audiences within a changing media and communication environment, identifying their complex interrelationships with the social, cultural and political areas of European societies. A range of interconnected but distinct topics concerning audiences are being developed by four Working Groups: (1) New media genres, media literacy and trust in the media; (2) Audience interactivity and participation; (3) The role of media and ICT use for evolving social relationships; and (4) Audience transformations and social integration.

For an overview of the achievements of the COST Action, see “European audiences within a changing mass-media environment. Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”, COST Annual Report 2014 – A story of diversity, pp.20-21, available online at:

Scientific publications of PReCoM members

Patriarche, G., Bilandzic, H., Carpentier, N., Ponte, C., Schroder, K.C., and Zeller, F. (eds) (2014), Building Bridges. Pathways to Greater Societal Significance for Audience Research. Available online here.

Patriarche, G., Bilandzic, H., Linaa Jensen, J. and Jurisic, J. (eds) (2013), Audience Research Methodologies: Between Innovation and Consolidation. London & New York: Routledge. More details at:

Patriarche, G. and Bourdaa, M., 2013. L’Action COST IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies”, Les Cahiers de la SFSIC, 8, pp.82-84.

Dufrasne, M., and Patriarche, G. (2011), “Applying genre theory to citizen participation in public policy making: Theoretical perspectives on participatory genres”, in: Communication  Management Quarterly. n°21, pp.61-86. Available online here(

Bilandzic, H., Carpentier, N., Patriarche, G., Ponte, C., Schroder, K.C., Vossen, E., and Zeller, F. (eds) (2011), Overview of European Audience Research. Research report of the COST Action IS0906 ‘Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies’. Available online here

Bilandzic, H., Carpentier, N., Patriarche, G., Ponte, C., Schrøder, K.C. and Zeller, F., 2011. Conclusion. Audience research in Europe A.D. 2010. A historical crossroads of diversity – Roads taken and not taken. In H. Bilandzic, C. Carpentier, G. Patriarche, C. Ponte, K.S. Schrøder, E. Vossen and F. Zeller, eds. Overview of European Audience Research. Research report of the COST Action IS0906 ‘Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies’, pp.182-187. Available online here.

Patriarche, G., Dufrasne, M. and Hubert, M., 2011. Audience research in Francophone Belgium. In H. Bilandzic, C. Carpentier, G. Patriarche, C. Ponte, K.S. Schrøder, E. Vossen and F. Zeller, eds. Overview of European Audience Research. Research report of the COST Action IS0906 ‘Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies’, pp.14-17. Available online here.  

Scientific communications of PReCoM members

Dufrasne, M., and Patriarche, G., “Applying genre theory to (online) public participation: Theoretical perspectives”. IAMCR Conference “Cities, Creativity, Connectivity”. Istanbul, 13-17 juillet 2011. Presentation available online here.

Patriarche, G., “European audience research: reflections and directions” (keynote speech). From Audience to Users and Beyond. II Finnish Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies Conference. Helsinki, 6-7 juin 2011. Presentation available online here

Patriarche, G., “Issues in building new research openings in national and EU-context” (roundtable). From Audience to Users and Beyond. II Finnish Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies Conference. Helsinki, 6-7 juin 2011. Presentation available online here.

Patriarche, G., “Building European research networks. Promises and pitfalls of collaborative research” (roundtable). Third European Communication Conference. Hambourg, 13-15 octobre 2010.

Other outputs of PReCoM members

Patriarche, G., participation in the panel ‘COST Actions: the networking instrument’, COST Information Day, Brussels, Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO), 9 March 2015.

‡Patriarche, G., presentation of the work and achievements of COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, COST Science Night 2013. Brussels, 15 October 2013.

Dufrasne, M. and Patriarche, G., eds, 2013. Audience Interactivity and Participation. Interviews with practitioners. Working Group 2 “Audience Interactivity and Participation” of the COST Action IS0906 Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies, 11p. Available online here.