Promoters & reseachers
Geoffroy Patriarche, Jan Zienkowski
Project duration
2020 – 2024
Media and information literacy, critical discourse studies, political subjectivity, articulation, EAVI
This research investigates the ways in which media and information literacy (MIL) projects construct and (de)legitimize particular forms of political subjectivity. The authors argue that the field of critical discourse studies (CDS) offers useful approaches to develop this line of inquiry. They demonstrate this point in a case study of the MIL project of the European Association for Viewers Interests (EAVI). The authors work with a concept of discourse understood as a performative articulatory practice, grounded in linguistic pragmatics and poststructuralist discourse theory. The qualitative analysis shows that EAVI’s discourse promotes a holistic transformation of the self into an informed, reflexive and critical entity, as well as a type of society that is inclusive, cohesive and participatory. EAVI is also decidedly pro-EU and opposed to nationalist projects.
Scientific publications
Zienkowski, Jan; Patriarche, Geoffroy. Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: An illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations. In: P. Fastrez, & N. Landry, Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: A Handbook, Routledge 2023, p.288-304
Patriarche, Geoffroy; Zienkowski, Jan. Shaping political subjectivity through media and information literacy: A critical discourse study of EAVI’s project. In: Recherches en communication, no. 54, p. 271-289 (2022).
Scientific communications
Zienkowski, Jan ; Patriarche, Geoffroy. Critical discourse studies for research on media and information literacy projects: An illustrated discussion of seven methodological considerations.MediaEd Club webinar series of the Media Education Lab (Online, 04/03/2024).
Video of the presentation :
Zienkowski, Jan ; Patriarche, Geoffroy. The politics of media and information literacy: Considering the ideological dimension of EAVI’s media literacy project.Online Multiplier Event of CoMMiTTEd (Covid, Migrants and Minorities in Teacher Education: A Fake News Observatory) (Online, 07/02/2023).
Societal valorization
Patriarche, Geoffroy ; Zienkowski, Jan. La dimension politique des projets d’éducation aux médias et à l’information. L’EAVI comme cas d’étude.Panorama de la recherche en éducation aux médias organisé par le Conseil supérieur de l’éducation aux médias (CSEM) (En ligne, 26/04/2023).